Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Biology Starts in January

Students will be taking home the journal from this semester and in the spring, they will need their second journal to begin biology. Many have already stored a second journal at school, but please check to make sure you have a new journal on January 7 when we return to school.

Monday, December 2, 2013

SAS Density Lab and Upcoming Benchmark

Our classes are currently studying the psychical property of matter known as DENSITY. We are learning to calculate the density of an unknown substance by finding the volume and mass of that object and using the mathematical formula d = m/v

We have done many classroom experiments calculating both mass and volume, and today we are going to use a digital lab to find the density of several unknown objects.

  1. You must use Google CHROME (the green, red and yellow icon on the bottom navigation bar) to access this website and begin.
  2. Look at the menu on the LEFT SIDE. Check or click on PROPERTIES OF MATTER. 
  3. Go to the 4th link. It says VLAB: DENSITY
  4. Go underneath the picture and LOG IN using the below user name (cut and paste if needed):
user: sciencerockz 
password: sciencerocks 
It will pull up a new window. If needed, click on the image and tell it to run the Java plug in. 

5. The first set of data will be done using the TEST block. Follow the green sheet from here to complete the data table using this site.

BENCHMARK over CHEMISTRY will be on December 18
This covers the journal from page 75 (or close) to current work.